Occupational Health: Core Areas of Knowledge and Competence, Part 1

It’s not possible to describe a dynamic and complex highly procedure including occupational wellness nursing merely in terms of core activities or even tasks. Occupational Health Nurse (OHA) are continuously learning new skills, adapting latest methods to meet new needs and developing new techniques to solving problems and thus the practice of theirs will not be static but is continuously improving based upon a primary variety of abilities.

But, within this limitation it is possible to describe those core areas of information as well as competence which occupational health nurses use. The next list is not intended to be extensive, but only to present a sign of the wide range of competencies that occupational wellness nurses demonstrate in practice.

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Primary prevention

The OHA is skilled in key prevention of injury or disease. The nurse may identify the demand for, evaluate and plan interventions to, for example change working environments, methods of work or change working practices to decrease the risk of hazardous exposure. Occupational health nurses are good in considering factors, for example human behavior as well as habits in relation to actual working practices. The nurse also can collaborate in the identification, conception and correction of work factors, choice of individual protective gear, avoidance of manufacturing accidents and diseases, in addition to offering guidance in matters with regards to protection of the surroundings. Due to the occupational health nurses close connection with the employees, moreover knowledge and experience in the working environment, they’re in a comfortable position to identify premature alterations in performing practices, determine workers concerns over safety and health, as well as by presenting these to management in an independent objective manner could be the catalyst for changes in the workplace that lead to primary prevention.

Crisis care

The OHA is a Registered Nurse with a great deal of clinical experience and expertise in combating injured or sick women. The nurse might, in which such duties form a part of their work, offer original critical care of workers injured at the office previous to transfer of the injured worker to clinic or the entrance of the emergency services. In most situations, wherever dangerous circumstances can be found at your workplace, metabolism booster and fat burner – click through the next webpage – where the workplace is far removed from other healthcare facilities, this particular role will develop a major part of an occupational health nurse’s function. Occupational health nurses employed in mines, on oil rigs, in the desert regions or perhaps in places in which the healthcare methods aren’t yet fully developed is going to be acquainted with a broad range of crisis treatment techniques as well as might have created additional capabilities in order to satisfy the role. For other people, that are working in cases in which the emergency services are available, they may just provide an extra level of support beyond that provided by the manufacturing very first aider.

Nursing diagnosis


Craig Page RGN.OHND. Founder of Occupational Health Academy

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